Pages (need more stuff)

Monday, August 8, 2016

I still do stuff....during nap time

The new house is coming together, finally. A year and a half after we moved in.
Paint needs patched or redone, furniture needs purchased and/or arranged, built-ins need built, etc. Funny how a tiny person, when cooking, and even more so when out; slows to a crawl (harhar... but not yet thank god) any projects or house update progress.

This kid. Showing my cousin her impressive jaw flexibility.

BUT, now that little miss is happily occupied/trapped for MANY minutes at a time in her bouncer (girl wakes up wanting to jump), and naps reliably for 45-90 minutes in a stretch; let the (small) projects begin!

HAPPY lil dumplin'

I have knocked out several projects recently, but a good one of note was whitewashing an antique low oak trunk that came from an estate sale for $17.

It looked great as it was when I got it, but the opportunity to try out whitewashing without having to strip or sand a piece was too good to resist. Because there are only so many nap times and it was 100 degrees out that week. Mamma didn't raise no fool.

milk was a bad choice will ferrell gif

I researched approximately 3 million different whitewashing techniques, and ended up going with a milk paint sample packet, water, and additional white paint to make it go further. That sample pack was not cheap; so I was not going to get 2, or god forbid a quart. I like my first born too much to sell her for what that costs.
After two or so washes with the paint, I lightly sanded and went to town with a homemade liming wax.
Minwax plain 'ol furniture wax + acrylic white paint > $20 fancy pants liming wax.
Heating up the wax before mixing in the paint really helped de-lump the consistency and make it much easier to apply.

nice grain there mr. cabinet

Turned out a very Restoration-Hardware like finish. A bit brighter than the photo above in real life, but does have good grey undertones.

Original hardware, or just old (who knows if it really came from this piece) was a nice surprise to find bagged up in the drawer once I got the piece home. It had several layers of paint, so I stripped and scrubbed it back to bare metal. Brass I do like, but not here, so I spray painted with metal-specific sparkly grey rustoleum paint. 
I used the same paint as on The Cabindo curtain rods and several other pieces, to the point that this is the only metal paint kind and color I use for anything. It applies/wears well, looks good, and keeps me from expanding my already alarming paint can collection. 

Et voila. Now mr. man can fill it up with his downstairs collection of electronics/camera/AV gear/flashlights/cords/treasures. 

Like this guy. In 25 years.

Storage for the more formidable 'archive' of upstairs electronics in Al's office is yet to be decided on....... perhaps 2017?

picture this, but 10% smaller. and all still in boxes so...

To be fair, my office/craft room goes by 'the crap room' for now. Whatevs, we prefer to snuggle babies.


- Lindsay