Pages (need more stuff)

Friday, November 21, 2014

Instagram - Because it's Easy

It's a revolving door around here of thrifting, free stuff, projects, and kitty shenanigans.

I take a lot of pictures but clearly am not great at keeping the blog up to date. So, at the entirely needed urging of several friends; I've started an instagram account so they can see what I work on without wasting their breath on urging blog updates.
I am enjoying it thus far, but think I need to work on my hashtagging, which seems a bit anemic as compared to other users. #kittysnuggles #newfinds #ilikewine

I put up a feed at the top of the blog too, so enjoy the oversharing.


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Weekend thrifting finds

Did you know Lowes has a discount plant rack?? I did not, but now I do.
Tons of poor little plants that just need a good watering and to be in either less or more sun.

I picked up a succulent mixed pot from that little forlorn orphanage on the way home from thrifting with a friend. (this happened about forever ago, as you can see from all the greenery in the background)

And I certainly did not ditch what was dead in the mix and
cherry pick from the other forlorn pots a few replacement pieces.
Perish the thought..........

It turned out to go perfectly with a little brass bowl snagged for $2 that morning!

bowl me over

Brass and succulents, it's a thing I hear.
I feel so 'hip', or whatever the kids are calling it these days....

It's happily living on the long n low mid-century dresser I'm using as an entertainment center.

When it was perfect and compact.
Now it's a little gangly.
